5 tips for healthy white teeth

A healthy, white, bright, healthy smile is one of the best ways to make a lasting impression. According to the American Society of Periodontology, 50% said that smiles are the characteristics of another person they first noticed.

Follow these tooth tips to keep your pearl white healthy throughout the summer!

Tips for healthy white teeth

  • Brush your teeth after each meal. Proper oral hygiene is important for maintaining healthy, white teeth, which means brushing your teeth at least twice after each meal or every day. Always use a soft toothbrush, otherwise it will damage the enamel and gums.
  • Eat healthy teeth. What you eat can affect your teeth, especially when the food is sugary and acidic. By eating healthy foods, you can protect your enamel and prevent bacteria from forming and spreading in your mouth. Dental health foods include: chicken, cheese, nuts, milk, fruits and vegetables. (It is also best to limit drinks that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, soda, and red wine)
  • Floss! Dental floss is a very important aspect of proper oral hygiene. Regular floss can reduce tooth decay, prevent bad breath, and keep your teeth pearl white!
  • See the dentist every 6 months. Regular dental check-ups are one of the easiest ways to keep your teeth healthy and white. Your dentist will be able to clean your teeth more thoroughly than your toothbrush and check for signs of tooth decay, gingivitis and plaque buildup.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking is not only harmful to the heart and lungs, but also harmful to the teeth, gums and mouth. Smoking can cause bad breath, discoloration of teeth, increased plaque and tartar, and gum disease. Even smokeless tobacco can wear teeth and gums, expose the roots of the teeth, and increase the risk of tooth decay.